Learn How To Record In Audacity While Track Is Playing
Are you wondering how to record in Audacity while you are playing your track? What you will need is a recorder with an audio input and a microphone input. What you need to do is to turn off the recording feature of your Mac. You can also do it by pressing "Control + R".
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Next thing you have to do is to find your Audacity program icon on the desktop or taskbar and select "Recording". It will open a new window and from there, you can start recording your track. Another option is to double click anywhere on the Track Control Panel. Here, you will see the Track Info option.
You also have to select "Recording" from the menu of options. Here you will need to click "OK". The icon of "AAC Converter" will appear on the screen. You will need to click this icon.
Learn How to Record in Audacity While Track Is Playing
Then click on the "microphone icon" and open the microphone configuration utility. The icon of "AAC Converter" will appear again. You need to click this icon. This utility will load the settings of your external microphone and the input device.
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The next step is to select "Recording" from the menu. Again, you will need to click OK. Now you have to close all the applications that were open. Finally, you will need to configure the output and the input of your new Audacity Track. The output should be the digital sound and the input should be the microphone or other audio input device.
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Open the "Audio Editing" application. In this application, you will find two tabs. The left side contains buttons such as "Escape"," mute"," Repeat"," playback" and others. The right side has additional buttons. Click on the button "VRomaintenance", if you are interested in recording the track.
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After pressing the key of "VRomaintenance", the recording will begin. The recording will end when the sound reaches to end user. The same thing happens when the media player finishes playing. In order to know what happens after the recording, you can click on the "GUI-icon" for details. In this case, you will get the details about the length of the track, number of sides, types of format used (such as "Wav/MP3"), and the name of the sound file.
Those are some steps on how to record in audacity while a track is playing. As mentioned above, this application allows you to record the track and then, it will allow you to listen to the recorded media. You can either play the recorded media back or use another method to play back the audio. If you are interested in learning how to record in Audacity, all you have to do is to follow the instructions above.
Another useful feature of this audio recording application is the fact that it will record only the necessary part of the media. You will not be recorded for the opening and the closing statements. This is because the application is designed to record only the essential parts of the media. For example, if you want to record your voice, you do not have to record the entire recording.
To start recording, you need to place the microphone or the audio device onto the desktop or a room that is far enough away from you so that the ambient noise will not be able to affect the sound recording. Next, you need to open the preferences. This is where you will set the names of your tracks. Using this feature, you will be able to organize your audio recordings into different folders. Now, it is time to open the audio track. You need to click the "Open" button in order to load the media.
If you are using Microsoft Audacity, you can drag and drop the files onto the project. If you are using Apple iWork on OS X, you can drag and drop the files onto the project. You can also use the keyboard shortcut of Control+Option+F (Mac) or Command+option+F (PC). Once you are loading the media, you can start recording.
If you are planning to make videos with your Audacity recording, then you can simply record the video. If you are planning to edit the recorded media, then you can use the toolbar of the software to do so. The software has a video section that allows you to record in audacity while a track is playing. The next step that you need to do is to add effects or transitions to your media. This process will allow you to make professional looking videos.
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