About Us

  • Link: About Us(www.moscowsummit2016.com)

Mission and Vision

At Moscow Summit 2016, our mission is to bring together global leaders, decision-makers, and experts to discuss pressing international issues and shape the trajectory of our shared future. We strive to provide a platform for open dialogues, innovative solutions, and collaborative frameworks that transcend geopolitical boundaries. Our vision is to foster a more interconnected world based on mutual understanding, cooperation, and sustainable development.


Moscow Summit was founded in 2003 to address the need for a comprehensive forum where influential figures could gather and engage in meaningful discussions on crucial global challenges. Originally initiated by Nikolai Ivanovitch Petrovsky, a prominent diplomat, journalist, and visionary, Moscow Summit has evolved into a cornerstone event for both emerging and established world leaders.

Mr. Petrovsky, known for his tireless dedication to advancing peace, understanding, and progressive policies, sought to create a platform where diverse ideas and perspectives could flourish. By bringing together leaders from various fields, including politics, academia, business, and civil society, he aimed to foster collaboration and create lasting positive impact.

Website Creation

The creation of the Moscow Summit 2016 website reflects our commitment to embracing the digital era and enhancing the accessibility and reach of our mission. Recognizing the importance of online interaction and information dissemination, we embarked on the endeavor to provide a vibrant and authoritative online presence.


Our website has two key objectives: 1. Facilitate engagement: The website serves as a digital hub to connect individuals interested in the Moscow Summit, providing relevant information, updates, and resources. It offers a platform for participants and stakeholders alike to interact, share ideas, and collaborate. 2. Amplify our impact: Through our online resources, we aim to extend the borders of our Summit, enabling a wider global audience to benefit from the insights, discussions, and outcomes generated during the event. We strive to create a lasting knowledge repository that showcases innovative solutions and bolsters international cooperation.

Target Audience

Our target audience comprises a diverse range of individuals and organizations passionate about global affairs and eager to contribute to a more harmonious world. This includes policy-makers, academic scholars, leaders from the business community, representatives of civil society, and engaged individuals from all walks of life.

Unique Value

What sets the Moscow Summit 2016 website apart is our team of experienced and highly skilled editors and team members. They work tirelessly to curate and disseminate valuable content that exhibits the intellectual breadth and holistic outlook needed to address today's most pressing issues. Their collective expertise and dedication ensure that our website offers a refined and authoritative source of information.

Moreover, the Moscow Summit website distinguishes itself through its commitment to transparency, openness, and inclusivity. We understand that meaningful discourse arises from diverse ideas and perspectives. As such, our website aims to showcase a breadth of viewpoints, initiatives, and best practices from all corners of the globe, thus offering real value to the diversity on which our Summit thrives.

Join us at Moscow Summit 2016 and be a part of the dialogue that shapes our collective future. Together, we can build a better world.

We want to ease your burden. Contact Us for any queries.